
Thursday, September 04, 2003

Cheaper than J.G. Ballard! But probably not better value.

They've fixed the FAQ line. Hurrah.

Why is it Foyles wants to charge me to come into its store, if I am going to buy a book there to get it signed, why do they want to charge me a fiver for the privilege?

I am only bitter this month as I have a budget of �15 to live off, and I know when I am paid and rich again, they'll all be sold.

Bah to Foyles. I'm going to Into The Void instead.


I'm sure they'll have a lot of seats left, when you're flush. The only place the event has been mentioned so far is here and on Foyles site, for a November event. And they aren't charging you a fiver to come into the bookshop. Foyles is renting a 500 seat theatre and putting on a really solid event, if last year's is anything to go by, including an interview (and an interviewer), audience Q & A, a reading with slides, and the kind of signing you get when Dave McKean and I sign for all 500 people (which in this case, includes comfy seating until your row gets called, which is not to be underestimated).

I don't know if the fiver counts against the cost of the book -- most UK bookshops that charge for events will give you back the ticket price if you buy a book by the author from them.

I probably should have posted the rest..

November 14th 2003. 7pm (Doors open 6.30pm)
The Congress Centre, 28 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS
Tickets: (special online only price) �5, �4 Concessions)