Jennifer Tanner sent me this:
"book covers with pictures of ladies (often holding candelabras) running away from ominous houses with one light on in an attic room?"
check! look here
While not an enormous collection, it does sound like the webmistress has far more than are showcased and might be able to help you find a specific image.
Exactly what I needed! You really can find anything on the internet. (Disappointed that none of the running ladies outside houses are holding candles. All the candles are being held by ladies standing, or inside.)
And the response from UK readers is 75-25 in favour of "a sunday roast" being a chicken, with many people adding that they'd be surprised if it was anything else these days, and the minority stating that, no, a roast is definitely part of something that once wandered around on four legs, as it is in the US.
Thanks. Back to work...
Edit to add -- nearly forgot. Cat Mihos is at and will have lots of stuff from there. Including the mousepad below...

Labels: gothic house book covers, roast results