Got up blearily this morning to discover a kitchen table covered with stuff waiting for me, said stuff including Kitty Medicine for Fred the Cat (who is not just Unlucky, but is being made Very Irritable by the medicine), and, slightly more excitingly, a box from DC Comics with an advance copy of Volume 1 of the Absolute Sandman. It comes in a box. It's huge. It's heavy. It's over 600 pages long. It weighs enough to cure me of any desire to have a Complete In One Volume Sandman.
Also on the kitchen table, and I would not want these things to be overshadowed, were the nice trade paperback edition of Stardust (which reprints "Wall, A prologue" from A Fall of Stardust), the elegantly creepy all-type-cover adult edition of Coraline (with Dave's illustrations on creepy grey paper), a Portuguese copy of Anansi Boys, and the upcoming Bloomsbury edition of Mr Punch, which will finally be back in print in the UK.
If you remember how big Mr Punch is, the Absolute Sandman is bigger.
Also on the table were the covers for Fragile Things, and the third issue of Eternals. And contracts, things to proofread, letters and stuff. mostly stuff.
Miss Maddy consented to model books for me (when I decided that you still couldn't see how big the book was) despite wearing her Wolves in the Walls t-shirt that is really pyjamas. The facial expression is "Dad, you're weird, but I'm happy you're back."
And here's the Coraline, sitting on the Absolute Sandman (you can see some script and Charles Vess's pencils for Sandman 19).
And a photo I took this morning of my rowan tree. Which I post mainly because I've never seen so many berries on it, which, as the birdchick will tell you, will make the cedar waxwings happy...
And lastly, the best news in comics is that Dirk Deppey's Journalista! blog is back...
and from it I learned that Dave Sim is doing a webcomic -- at Right. Back to work.