I forgot to mention that there were real wolves at the Lyric Hammersmith today -- one of the things I've really liked about the Wolves in the Walls is that the programme and the educational materials talk about real wolves, and the Wolf Conservation Trust --http://www.ukwolf.org/-- were in teaching kids (and adults) about wolves.
And I'm just holed up and writing right now, so instead of me, here's a lecture on Cargo Cult Science by Richard Feynman -- http://www.physics.brocku.ca/etc/cargo_cult_science.html. (Has anyone noticed how much cargo cult comedy there is on TV? People say things that are joke-shaped but contain nothing anybody could ever find funny, and the canned laughter goes into hysterics...)
And finally...
FYI to your readers:
Just thought I would let you know that coming up this summer are the 2006 auctions for Lisa Spodak's "Project Teddy Bear". To raise monies for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, Lisa has found celebrities in the NYC and beyond area to pose with an Avon Breast Cancer Teddy Bear, sign a little card to accompany it, and then she auctions off these little treasures online to help in combatting this horrific disease. This summer you can pick up Sean Astin, Julia Roberts, or even...Neil Gaiman? That's right, the bear, image, and signed card are going on the auction block this summer. Head over to http://www.lisawalks.com/ptb2006 to see all the summer auction bears and to get on the mailing list for when this lovely little piece goes up. And remember, this is for cancer research, so bid often and bid generously!
Shalene Shimer