
Monday, May 26, 2003

"Therefore, please photo your cat lovelily with much trouble. "

Oh my! Thought a fellow lover-of-cats (ahem-in a purely non-sexual sense, of course) would appreciate this fabulous page of cat clothes, made even more hilarious by the translation from Japanese to English:
This amazing tidbit came from my Madison chum's enlightening and entertaining blog:

That is hilarious and wonderful. The photos... the strange translations. The idea that perhaps cats really enjoy wearing clothes made from dalmatians, as well as wearing chicken costumes and Anne of Green Gables costumes made me smile. Good blog too.

Spent today finishing the final final shooting script for Dave McKean's Mirror-Mask. Or Mirrormask. Or possibly Mirror Mask. (I know I ought to know these things.) Just emailed it off to the UK. They start shooting next week. (The film will star Gina McKee and Stephanie Leonidas and Rob Brydon and Jason Barry. My favourite writing moment was learning that we had Dora Bryan playing an elderly aunt, and promptly rewriting all of her lines for Dora Bryan.)

And I just learned that Coraline has been nominated for the prestigious French Prix Tam-Tam du livre de jeunesse (the results will be announced in November).