
Wednesday, March 05, 2003
Meanwhile Terri Windling's wonderful Endicott Studios website -- at -- has undergone a redesign and there's a whole load of new content up. Read Terri's editorial for explanations and enlightenment. (There's also a poem of mine, BOYS AND GIRLS TOGETHER up on the site, in the coffeehouse section.)

And here's one where some did all the work for me. (Hurrah.)

Hi Neil,
I was about to send a question about what, exactly, distinguishes "proper British pancakes, the kind you toss," from mundane, pan-bound pancakes. But Google pointed me to this site
, explaining how English, American, and Egyptian pancakes differ. I learned, to my delight, that the pancakes my (Canadian, but only by a generation or so) parents make are British ones, though we don't always toss them.

Thank you for indirectly clearing up one of those childhood mysteries I'd forgotten about, which was why the pancakes in restaurants were always so fluffy and not quite tasty enough.


p.s. Google also turned up a recipe (
) and an interesting article about pancake tossing and pi (

and all I can add to that is that pancake batter for UK style pancakes (which are closer to what the French call crepes) is best made the night before, and is better for sitting in the fridge all night, and that the first ones you make are normally a disappointment because the pan isn't hot enough. Caster (or castor) sugar is what is sold as "superfine" sugar in the US. (Thank you Christina.)