Thank you all for taking part in the Humble Bundle, or just for putting up with me blogging, tweeting and facebooking about it. It's been over for a couple of days now: We just got a letter from the guys at Humble letting us know it was:
#1 on the Humble Book TabAnd they went on to say:
#1 Highest Overall Average for any Bundle.
#1 Media Coverage for a Book Bundle
This bundle was particularly special since it elicited such a beautiful and positive reaction from both our fans and Humble newbies alike. I talked with our Customer Service Manager yesterday and he reported that there wasn't a single negative comment. (Except new customers not understanding how to redeem their bundles. A very common complaint.) This has never happened before either!I was so happy how many friends, acquaintances and people I do not even know gave it a push.
There was a tremendous amount of delighted energy at Humble HQ since the launch. Everyone here was stoked to be involved. Dare I say that it was almost in the realm of The Magical.
John Scalzi went further -- he reviewed my 1985 Duran Duran book, and let the review become a gentle meditation on who we are and who we were and who we become. It's at and you might enjoy it.
Here are the final results for your interest:I'll post the actual numbers here, and how much money that actually makes and how much is going where, when I get the information from Humble. Hurrah for transparency.
Humble Book Bundle: Neil Gaiman Rarities Date: September 9th 2015
End Date: September 23rd 2015
Avg. price per bundle: $19.63
32,294 bundles purchased
Total Revenue: $633,787.98
(Note the numbers might change ever so slightly over the next few weeks.)
(Also, I commend to you the Banned Comics Humble Bundle that's going on right now: $231 of forbidden comics for Pay What You Like )
Meanwhile, so many things. For example The Sleeper and the Spindle came out in the US on Tuesday. So did the new Sleeper and the Spindle Full Cast Audio. You can listen to it at or
And read a great interview with Chris Riddell (and see pictures from the book) at
The Moth put up a new radio show and weirdly, in a week a son is born, it includes me talking about my father and my son: (This was actually recorded somewhere on the Unchained Bus Tour of 2012.)
I recorded a documentary for the BBC Radio -- I'm presenting it -- on Orpheus: I'm really proud of it, and it has wonderful people, like Margaret Atwood and Jonathan Carroll and Peter Blegvad in it. (And this is the poem I wrote for Kathy Acker that's extracted in it:
Miracleman, The Golden Age stories by me and Mark Buckingham is coming out right now on a weekly schedule. You really want to go to a comic shop and buy it. It's thrilling for me rereading it now, and really strange starting the process with Mark Buckingham of finishing the story we began so many years ago.
The baby is nine days old, happy and healthy and, slightly to my surprise, he makes amazing noises: squeaks like mice and gentle burbling like mourning doves and little chirrupping grunts like guinea pigs. I adore him. And his mother's doing really well too. In case you were wondering.
Labels: banned books week, Fathers and Sons, Humble Bundle, Miracleman, Orpheus, The Moth, The Sleeper and the Spindle, Unchained Bus Tour