Almost immediately afterwards, the hair got spiky and the clothes got a lot less big-scarfy and then I was a 16 year old punk. But this is a 15 year old Neil for you.
If you're in the UK and you don't know about this http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/graphic-artists-condemn-plans-to-ban-erotic-comics-1652270.html and http://uk.news.yahoo.com/blog/talking_politics/article/10080/3/#top-comments-nav you really should. I wish I could take UK government claims that obviously they know what the law says but it won't be used that way seriously, because obviously if they actually just used laws how they were written they could, I dunno, use anti-terrorism laws to freeze Icelandic bank accounts or something....
More information, and links to a petition at http://www.comicbookalliance.org.uk/
Labels: comic book alliance, photo of me looking embarrassingly early 1976