
Thursday, February 14, 2008


For today, I put "Harlequin Valentine" up at last FM for free. (The reading from Telling Tales, not the one from Fragile Things.) I'll keep it downloadable for a few more days.


It is time for the closing of tabs:

Cat Mihos sent me this LA Times tale of striking writers.

How do you pronounce writers' names? How do they pronounce them?

A cautionary tale about dealing with Hollywood studios, (Disney, in this case, bt it could be any of them) and a lesson that needs repeating over and again. There will be no net profit. Ever. A movie could have cost two million to make and grossed two hundred million and it will still never show a profit.

Why did someone send me a link to Barry the Beaver? Why is it in an open tab? Perhaps it is like the Hello Kitty Shoulder Massager.

A few people wrote in sceptically telling me that my pseudonymous technothriller has been leaked online.

as we learn,

Got this from a friend of mine and supposedly it's the leak of a draft or outline (or whatever they call it) of a nerd thriller by Neil Gaiman, written under the pen name 'Rian Sato', as he wanted to take this into a direction somewhat different from his other writing (kind of like the Stephen King - Richard Bachmann deal).

Some intern at Gaiman's agency (Writer's something, forgot the name friend told me) was tasked to read through the text again for any obviously British English diction conflicting with Rian Sato's assumed American persona (guess they were well stocked with coffee at the moment and nothing needed to be xeroxed), but instead nabbed the file, took it home and then bragged about it online on some messageboard. Of course nobody believed him, intern threw a fit, board responded "POST PROOF OR STFU" and then the dude really posted the file. When everybody started ridiculing him for the danger he put himself in and serious screw-up he committed, he got scared and pulled the file again while begging everyone not to share it, but...

...well, here it is.

Which is kind of funny in a dozen different that's-not-how-the-world-works ways, but mostly seems a rather sad and desperate attempt by someone to get their book read. ("Haha! You liked it when you thought it was by Neil Gaiman, but really it is by me!")

Mark Evanier offers some philosophical conundrums relating to Gaiman's Law of Typos.

Neil GaimanHarlequin Valentine

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