
Saturday, July 12, 2003

Small oh well post

Two things happened today. I finished watching the final set of MirrorMask online dailies. And then, about half an hour later, I got the call from DirecWay satellite people, that my upgrade to their professional level had gone through, and that for thirty dollars a month more I would now get a really fast internet connection. So I went on and set it all up... and now have magically, blindingly fast internet speeds that I really could have done with for the last six weeks, that being the only time in my life I ever needed to watch lots of internet video each day.

So... Back in the UK they finished shooting MirrorMask yesterday, had the wrap party and everything. Having said that, it's not done. The middle of the movie needs to be animated -- and there are over a dozen creatures from the animated side of things who haven't even been cast, not to mention the chicken. "3000 man-days of work ahead," said Max, who will be running the computer department, very sagely. Or 30,000. Lots of man-days of work ahead, anyway, many of them probably really woman-days.

I don't know if rough edits or footage of the animated stuff will be going up on the dailies online service, but if they do, I'll be ready for them.

Anyway -- no idea what footage or images Dave McKean will be bringing to the San Diego Comicon panel on MirrorMask, although I notice ruefully that we're on at the same time that Quentin Tarantino and friends get to do their preview panel on Kill Bill...