So... Back in the UK they finished shooting MirrorMask yesterday, had the wrap party and everything. Having said that, it's not done. The middle of the movie needs to be animated -- and there are over a dozen creatures from the animated side of things who haven't even been cast, not to mention the chicken. "3000 man-days of work ahead," said Max, who will be running the computer department, very sagely. Or 30,000. Lots of man-days of work ahead, anyway, many of them probably really woman-days.
I don't know if rough edits or footage of the animated stuff will be going up on the dailies online service, but if they do, I'll be ready for them.
Anyway -- no idea what footage or images Dave McKean will be bringing to the San Diego Comicon panel on MirrorMask, although I notice ruefully that we're on at the same time that Quentin Tarantino and friends get to do their preview panel on Kill Bill...