Am currently writing an afterward to the next Steve Brust/Paarfi novel. It appears to be a book review of a many volumed book attacking the supposed author of the Paarfi books, and the sentences are convoluted things that rarely come in under 100 words. It's really fun, reviewing a non-existent book attacking a non-existent author, in a florid and antique style.
(Patrick Nielsen Hayden thought I should write the afterword like a Nigel Molesworth essay, but he is uterly wet and a weed who sa "gaiman you are the only person in the hole WORLD who sa blogger when he mean blog allow me to explane wot I mean at length hem hem" so chiz to him.)
And our bizarre but oracular word for today is gyromancy - 1557, from M.L. gyromantia, from Gk. gyyros "circle" + manteia "divination, oracle." "A method of divination by walking in a circle till the person fell down from dizziness, the inference being drawn from the place in the circle at which he fell."