
Saturday, January 11, 2003
You know, I thought I posted this when I was sent it last September. I probably didn't, because I'm now getting two or three messages a day from people asking if I've seen this site. But this was the first of them:

Entrances to Hell in England

You might enjoy this site: At least one of the entrances is designed for observation of the M25 motorway. Isn't that the one mentioned in _Good Omens_? I didn't see Crowley lounging anywhere nearby, but you never know.

Lynn Kendall

Let's see...

My daughter and the rest of her class have just discovered Coraline and can't wait to read another book of yours.They loved the story and it is all they talk about. They are all avid readers and love Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc as well. They are ages ten and eleven. Since they plan to read more can you tell me if there are any stories that would be inappropriate to this age group. Can we let her loose in a bookstore? We want avoid stories that would contain any mature material - mainly sex and erotica? Thanks.

Not sure if you mean stories of mine, or just generally. I mean, if I were just picking books for eleven year old girls who liked Coraline and Harry Potter, I'd load them up with Diana Wynne Jones and Terry Pratchett.

Of mine -- well Good Omens (written with Terry Pratchett) has a fairly oblique post-coital moment and some references to nipple-counting (it was something witchfinders did), but I can't think of anything an eleven year old would have a problem with. Neverwhere's an adventure and it doesn't have any sex or erotica in it. Stardust is a fairy tale, and it does have one sex scene, toward the beginning, but it's written in a way that means that unless you know what's happening, you wouldn't know what was happening. I'd read it and decide if you're comfortable with it or not. American Gods and Smoke and Mirrors are adults, or smart young adults, only.

In Comics I recommend the original BOOKS OF MAGIC graphic novel.

Beyond that... HarperCollins are bringing out Carla Jablonski's adaptation of THE BOOKS OF MAGIC as YA books starting next May.

I do plan to write another children's book, called The Graveyard Book, but by the time it comes out they'll probably be entering their teens.

Hi, Neil -

Just wanted to share a web site that talks about "this year's Puffies, for the most meaningless, empty book jacket blurbs". A dubious award for words of dubious merit.

Do writers get compensated for issuing blurbs, or is it all done for the sake of networking or being nice to a publisher?


Ah, now that one I did answer, and at length. Check out, the entry for April 16th.