
Tuesday, January 28, 2003
This in from dozens of you, but GMZoe got there first...

McSweeney's have posted teasers for their next issue, including an excerpt from your story
(general teaser link):
(Gaiman teaser):

They will keep releasing taster extracts from the rest of the stories in the days to come on the McSweeneys site.

It was odd reading mine -- I'd not looked at it since I wrote it in some days of madness last year.

Hi Neil,
or Hi whoever updates the 'where's Neil' page,

In his journal Neil drops a hint about a visit to Holland in april. Please please please tell me more about where and when, 'cause 'elfcon holland' does not give any hits. I really would hate to miss this, and since I have to plan a vacation in april I want to make sure I don't end up being away someplace wonderfull instead of being nicely at home and able to go see Neil somewhere close to home.
So please tell me anything you already know. I understand that if it is just booksignings you won't know the where and when exactly, but if it also involves appearing at a convention of some kind, please tell me what it is!!

It's the Elf Fantasy Fair -- is the program, and I'm looking forward to meeting Phillip Pullman and Robin Hobb and catching up with Brian and Wendy Froud there.