
Monday, November 11, 2002
Dear Neil,
I'm very interested in your short film and how you got it financed.

I have been making short films for ten years and find that I spend most of my time chasing the finance side to get stuff completed. I'm lucky if I can get one foilm made evry two/three years, even on 'no to low' budgets.

How did you do it?????


I did a swap. I gave the production company the rights to something I'd written that they want to make, in return for them financing this for me.

OK, so I've been checking in on this site for a couple of months now because I happen to love Neil and everything he does. Every once and a while I will see a snippet about a screen play Neil is writing or a story that has been optioned by someone but my mind happens to be a giant sieve when it comes to this kind of info and the search engine isn't giving me quite what I want. I was looking for a list of movies that he is currently working on, have been optioned, or have been left in the gutter on the wayside. I was hoping could shed some light but unfortunately they only seem to have information on things that have already happened like Princess Mononoke and the Babylon 5 episode. I'm sure plenty of other people would love to have this information as well if there isn't already a list floating around in the internet ether somewhere.

Denika Robbins

There really is a list now, done by Cindy Lynne Speer, up at It's in the "exclusive content" area.