
Monday, July 08, 2002
Let's see... so one answer from one bookshop:

Hi Neil, Not so much a question as an answer (of sorts). I'm organising the
signing at Blackwell's in Sheffield (I promise not to keep you ALL
afternoon signing my own collection)and although I hadn't planned a big group
get together, as such (cos you have to be in Manchester by 7), I'd be
more than happy for you to kick off with a quick reading before the
avalanche of pens descends. So if you're happy with that, I'm sure everybody
else will be. Looking forward to seeing you and all the (other) fans.

and one from another:

Hey Neil!
Not a FAQ, but hopefully a bit of an answer. You mentioned the odd
shelving habits at's all true! And since I work at one, I
might be able to shed a little light on where to find Coraline there.
(For the most part, all Borders should be sorting things the same way,
since the books come to our stores with stickers which tell us where to
put 'em.) When a Borders employee gets asked for Coraline and looks it
up in the computer, he'll see two different titles in two sections:
"Coraline", listed in the kids section (intermediate fiction, to be
specific), and "Coraline-Ltd Ed", which is the one with the glow in the dark
cover, in the SciFi section. Hope this helps! Oh, and any time I sell
one of your books (usually American Gods, lately), I make sure and
mention what a great site you've got here. :?) Thanks!
John Clifford, somewhere in the universe

Thaks, John. I'm still puzzled as to why the Diamond edition, produced for comics stores as a 'retail incentive', is in Borders competing with the Harper edition (which is $10 cheaper). Ah well, chalk that one up to experience, I suppose.