
Tuesday, June 11, 2002
Hi Neil;
You appear to have an Irish doppelganger. Normally I wouldn't bother writing to tell you, I'd just mention to my wife and friends that I saw someone who looked just like Neil Gaiman on the train, but this guy was... notable. For a start, he looked just like you, or at least like you do in photographs. He spent an entire journey standing when there were free seats, looking out the window, and at one point said, loudly and clearly, and apparently to nobody, "Adolescence is a terrible way to spend your formative years."
Or was it you after all?

Nope. Not me. Obviously one of the Legion of Substitute Neils.

Anyway, I'd not be standing around moodily and Making Deep Pronouncements about Adolescence. I'd be sitting in the corner comfortably and reading a book.