
Friday, August 06, 2004

Mirrormask stuff mostly...

I promised I'd let you know when there was more Mirrormask news.

Over at Comic Book Resources, there's a long interview with Michael Polis, one of the three Executive Producers of Mirrormask. Often Executive Producer is a code phrase in Hollywood, meaning either "has something vaguely to do with the rights and has been thrown a title and a little bit of money" or "has nothing to do with this really but is high enough up the totem pole to have awarded him-her-or-(more usually)-itself a chunk of the movie anyway". But in the case of Mirrormask, our exec producers (Michael, Lisa Henson and Martin Baker) have earned their title, and Michael has been tireless in making things happen, such as the Dark Horse toys and the Hot Topic Mirrormask stuff. Anyway, it's a good article.

There are also a couple of screen grabs up there -- one of the Floating Stone Giants, and one of the Music Box Dolls.

Here's the Giants. You can see Valentine and Helena with their backs to us, very small on the platform.

And I just chatted to Dave McKean about getting a trailer together and up online -- I think he plans to tidy up the thing that we showed at San Diego. "Did you know," said Dave, mildly surprised, "that there are people on the Internet who actually watch trailers?" I had to admit that I did.

(You've probably seen the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy teaser-trailer, haven't you?)

More news as I learn it.

You have yet to write another word on "Conrad's Fate". Though, considering the book won't be available before late February (April in the U.S.A., if Amazon is to be believed), anything you WILL write about the book before then will be mostly gloating. Please have more consideration for Diana Wynne Jones fans who read your blog - of whom there are several - who are in danger of being consumed by their own envy.

Well, it's a Chrestomanci novel. It stars a fifteen-year old Christopher Chant, and is told by Conrad, who is rather depressed about his fate. It's funny, scary, supremely twisty, and the quintessence of what a Chrestomanci novel ought to be. (I think it's about as good as Charmed Life and The Nine Lives of Christopher Chant and rather better than The Magicians of Caprona. Your mileage may vary.)